2012: Supernova (2009 Video)
Do yourself a favor... DO NOT watch this!
25 October 2009
I know that the minimum for a comment is 10 lines but I'll have to work hard to come up with them for such a pile of crap. This is an insult to the intelligence of anyone older than 10 years. It makes your garden variety B movie look like an Oscar candidate. I guess in a Saturday afternoon, after a few 6-packers some guys just thought:

"-Hey, we should make a sci-fi movie.

-Wow, that's great! Let's do it!

-OK, but how do we do it? We'll need a script, and actors and special effects and a lot of other things.

-Never mind, we'll just wing it. We'll rent a warehouse and call it the secret base, a bunch of weird looking guys and call them scientists and that's pretty much it. Oh yes, we'll show a stream of rocks traveling through space form thousands of light-years headed towards a single point in the Universe: Earth. And that's pretty much all there is to it. Of course, let's not forget the two chicks who run through all the movie."

So, they went on and made it. The only bad thing was that they never sobered up. So, instead of what it should have been, this pathetic excuse for a movie came up, which turns out to be a horrible rip off of Armageddon. If you're looking for an effective way to kill braincells go and watch this movie. Otherwise run for your life! My thumb is still glued to the fast forward button.
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