The Naked Zoo (1970)
This is a mess of a film and a pathetic starring vehicle for an aging Rita Hayworth.
21 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know how William Grefe did it, but he had a bit of a knack for catching falling stars and putting them in his ultra-low budget films. What's amazing about this is that Grefe was one of the worst directors of his day--every bit as bad as Al Adamson, Larry Buchanan and Ted Mikels. In many ways, his starring Rita Hayworth and William Shatner in his films was much like Ed Wood securing the talents of Bela Lugosi and Lyle Talbot for PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE--these actors were in desperate financial straits and would do just about anything. As for Shatner, according to IMDb, when he did Grefe's IMPULSE, he was basically homeless after "Star Trek" was finished and his ex-wife took him to the cleaners. As for Miss Hayworth, according to IMDb she was in the midst of undiagnosed Alzheimer's at the time this was made. It was not really that bad, yet, but her condition and age limited her acting opportunities. So it's pretty sad that she drifted into this film--a real mess with few redeeming qualities. In other words, it's a typical William Grefe film! And, in addition to Miss Hayworth, Joe E. Ross appears only at the very beginning...for no apparent reason at all--I suppose it was simply because Grefe could get him for next to nothing. After all, how far could his "ooooo, oooo" shtick really get him as an actor?!

The movie begins with a lot of nudity. Oddly, the rest of the film in not that graphic--other than a few totally random shots of a topless woman playing with a vibrator. I suspect these were added later to either pad out the film or sex it up a bit to try to attract an audience.

The film is about a character played by Steve Oliver. His character isn't that well-defined and he spends most of the film living like the embodiment of Freud's concept of the Id. In other words, whatever feels good, he simply does--with no conscience or concern about others. He alternates from having sex, doing drugs, having more sex, drinking, having even more sex, committing arson (in a completely incomprehensible scene) and ultimately, murder....and, of course, sex. The problem with all this is that there is virtually no plot. Only occasionally does a plot seem to develop--and then it disappears again!! The only real plot involves Oliver schmoozing with an older and rather pathetic rich lady (Hayworth). While they talk about sex, Miss Hayworth is saved the embarrassment of doing any nude scenes. Later, when her wheelchair-bound husband catches them, the husband tries to kill Oliver--but accidentally kills himself in the process. As for Oliver, this is not his problem---and he walks away to let her fend for herself. However, she keeps phoning him and demanding he helps her until he ultimately kills murders her.

This alone might have been an exceptional films--but it only makes up a small portion of the movie. Much of it is completely random footage of people partying, smoking pot, drinking, having sex and acting like total idiots. None of it is very coherent and it truly looks like Grefe simply took two or three projects he was working on and spliced them all together to make a film or just went to a wild party and filmed everyone acting like idiots. Seriously. And it all comes off as very pathetic and sad. Finally, when it all ends, you are filled with a sense of relief--this has truly been a dull and pointless waste of 85 minutes--and a sad second to last film for Hayworth.
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