Street Sharks (1994–1997)
The MUST SEE show for kids who love sharks!
23 November 2009
Okay, my opinion is biased, but man if you were a kid in the 90s like me who LOVED sharks, snakes, and generally every other animal that most people feared then this show was like heaven for you. When I watched Street Sharks it was like watching God turn grass into gold.

The characters were awesome, Slammu was my favorite (Whale shark with super strength!) The Ripster was the leader of the 4 brothers, he was a level headed Great White mutant. Slammu, a Whale shark, was the biggest and strongest of the crew, with the ability to tear a water tower from the ground! (It was awesome!) Streex was the Tiger shark mutant with all the suave charming skills. Jab, the Hammerhead, was the lazy street shark who was most like me, but I still liked seeing Slammu smash stuff around. Dr. Paradigm... he was actually very scary if you were only about 5 or 6 like I was when you watched the show. The Piranha was a good idea, I've yet to see another show even use a piranha in a way other than being used as a method to get rid of a body... The GUY IN THE SKY!! He was never show but you'd always hear him reporting the latest news and it would set the theme for what the Street Sharks had to save/right. I never saw if the boys ever found their father... it always made me sad when I saw the shadow of Dr. Bolten because I knew it was him. I hope they did. Minions; Killamari was one mean son of a gun. That guy was easily the meanest and scariest of all of the minions. He was a mutant squid that shot deadly barbs from his mouth. He was very intelligent and often made fun of his fellow minions since they could never do anything right, especially the Slobster.

Surfing through the concrete was seriously almost the best part of the show! How could any kid not like that?! They jump out of it for goodness sakes! It blew my mind.

I had all the toys and everything. Sure it wasn't as big of a collection as my TMNT stuff, but hey Street Sharks was definitely the show to watch before TMNT came along. The surfer guy, with subliminal pothead references was cool too because as someone else said they started introducing a supporting cast and guest characters early on. Street Sharks was the epitome of what the 90s brought for cartoons, pure, action-packed, somewhat violent, anti-hero goodness in the form of experiments gone wrong trying to right the wrongs of others! The strongest thing the Street Sharks had was an ORIGINAL concept for what kind of animal to use. I have yet to see anyone DARE to use a shark in a cartoon that isn't just like Jabber Jaw or those dumb sharks from Finding Nemo.

It was not culturally significant at the time, but for kids that were into sharks and reptiles like me this show was probably one of the best I've ever watched in my life. (Swat Katz is about the only one that can touch it!!)
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