Dexter: Hungry Man (2009)
Season 4, Episode 9
Some misplaced and predictable arcs ; interesting family issues and fascinating American Beauty spin-off ; intriguing Deb's investigation, twisted events and cliffhunger
26 November 2009
I gave up on season 4 after watching Remains to Be Seen. However I decided to give this episode a chance after reading it was special. Indeed it was but some elements were disappointing too. In the first two episodes the relationship between Batista and LaGuerta was already boring and I can't believe the writers have apparently decided to cover it during the whole season. So many precious minutes were wasted and their arc didn't bring anything interesting to the story. I'm also not convinced by the tension between Rita and Dex because I was expecting something more creative and unexpected. However it didn't ruin the episode, far from it.

The writers used Thanksgiving as an excuse to cover family issues. In the one hand we had Dexter's and in the other was Trinity's. Like in American Beauty things are not like what they seem. In the past season Dexter learned how hard it is to be a good friend. In this one it's all about being the perfect husband and father. Learning more about Trinity's family was fascinating. John Lithgow's performance was impressive and the actor playing his son did a great job too. There's also something very intriguing going on with the daughter and in fact she reminded me of Zoe from Meadowlands. But I'm not sure the writers will dare to cover controversial topics like Nabokov did in Lolita. However we got a glimpse at some possible upcoming events in this episode so I really hope we'll learn more about them. The writers should focus on these elements instead of wasting our time with Batista and LaGuerta.

Beside the family issues there were also other great elements. Deb is such a great character and watching her investigating was really entertaining even if I found her scenes too short. Let's hope things will get intense so Jennifer Carpenter can amaze us with her talent. The other arc I enjoyed was the one involving Quinn and the female reporter. Masuka saw something he wasn't supposed to so I wonder how he'll deal with it. Last but not least the relationship between Dex and Trinity is interesting because it seems he always find a way to learn from the other monsters he meets. As often his daydreams with his father were well used and helped us to better understand the man behind the mask. However I don't really like the visual effects used to render them and think a more realistic and less intrusive technique like in Six Feet Under would be more appropriate.

The episode ended on a cliffhanger and it should surprise most viewers. Overall the episode wasn't flawless but it should be good enough to satisfy the angry viewer. So stay tuned if you don't mind watching disturbed characters because I'm sure things will get even worse
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