10 December 2009
The characterization of film noire is applied to certain films that touch on the grittier, more cynical aspects of life. This genre is typified as having lead roles played by strong, solemn male characters, in this respect, Mildred Pierce is an exception. In all other ways Mildred Pierce follows the model for a great film noire. The main character encounters both success and crushing emotional hardships, which the viewer gets to see the effects of. The supporting characters do a wonderful job depicting deceit in action, and each individual character contributes moving specific parts of the film along. The film ends with somewhat of an untied knot, and the viewer could certainly learn to love Mildred as the epitome of a "tragic hero". The film starts with a mystery and works it's way backwards, and as you can assume the viewer imagines he/she knows what is going on, when clearly the writer has us at his whims. Great acting. Great tragedy. Great film noire.
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