A Serious Man (2009)
Increasingly dark dramedy that has plenty of consistent chuckles but ends too abruptly.
16 December 2009
This is introduced by a snowy set Yiddish tale that serves the purpose of setting the tone, then the film properly begins the plight of a seemingly morally sound protagonist.

Acting: Stuhlbarg plays the title character as a nice, everyday and selfless family man. He does wonder why all these bad things are happening to him, but I never felt a woe-is-me attitude from him, apart from Gopnik trying to gain understanding from the Rabbis he meets.

Stuhlbarg comic timing with some exaggerated facial expressions showing bemusement is particularly well done. Lennick is also notable as his frustrated wife, who somehow makes her character complex when she could easily be one note. Wolff in the memorable and hilarious Bar-Mitzvah scene is very convincing.

Plot: There's obvious parallels with the Bibical book of Job, as one good man watches his world crashing around his ears.

This is very much presented as a tale, with a somewhat episodic structure illustrating his personal decline.

The ending scene almost concluding the opening scene, but it end rather abruptly and even some text maybe even from Job would've caused it to be satisfying, probably. I liked the scenes showing the Rabbi's stories of past men.

Cinematography: The sixties period is presented authentically.

Score: Gentle piano and harp sounds that intensify his downfall, much like Requiem For A Dream did.

Also, the use of the Jefferson Airplane song Somebody To Love is very fitting in the way of times of strife, you seek comfort and assurance.

Overall: It's an interesting if not brilliant film, but I did have an emotional investment with Gopnik so that's why I was peeved it didn't have a better conclusion than it did (I even waited to see if there was any scenes after the credits). Maybe in the future, the ending will make more sense like the Coen's No Country For Old Men did.

A well-acted, shot, and a quite darkly comic film that deserves more than one watch to appreciate - 7.4/10
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