A strange and unsatisfying combination that still manages to bore...
7 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very strange blending of genres. On one hand, it's a Mexican wrestling movie with lots of buxom babes who love to tumble. On the other, it's a Mexican variation on THE MUMMY. Oddly, however, neither of these story lines actually are integrated into each other--like two small crappy films stuck together.

The film begins with some baddie (the head of the Black Dragons) trying to get the last clues to discover the whereabouts of an Aztec treasure. Of course, he has sisters who are Judo champs who have come to kick the butts of two pretty wrestlers in order to get this information! To make things weirder, he and the judo ladies are supposed to be Japanese--though they look amazingly like Mexicans.

Later in the film, after LOTS of filler consisting of wrestling matches, the good guys are able to discover the treasure but accidentally unleash a nasty mummy. The mummy actually helps them at first by destroying all the Black Dragons in a slow-motion fight that looks like it shouldn't have hurt them...let alone kill them. But, after killing these folks, the mummy comes looking for the good guys. Who will win? Who cares?!

Overall, both segments of the film are relatively poorly made, but the mummy part is worst because it ends so badly. This mummy is part vampire (I kid you not) and can turn into bats (the cheesiest and least realistic type I've ever seen) and tarantulas. And, in the end, he's amazingly easy to destroy. In fact, this is so anticlimactic that you are left wondering if they just ran out of film.

Some bad movies are so badly made and stupid that they are oddly watchable on a camp level. This one, however, is bad but never quite bad enough to be fun--just bad. Watch it if you want, but it will not be a particularly enjoyable experience unless you are a die-hard bad movie fiend. If you want to see a better Aztec mummy film (believe it or not, there are several more), try watching THE HUMAN ROBOT VERSUS THE AZTEC MUMMY--it is terrible but quite enjoyable at the same time.

By the way, this film and DOCTOR OF DOOM (1963) are included on the same DVD. Interestingly, BOTH films share many of the same scenes and it appears as if they basically created one movie and filmed a few extra scenes in order to make two films! While cheap and crappy, it also made for many incomprehensible moments and a lot of repetition.
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