Review of Blood Mania

Blood Mania (1970)
This movie should be called Boob Mania!
25 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
If you like your crappy "I murder for lust" movies with lots of boobs, then this is the picture for you. It starts right off with an opening credits preview sequence of a pretty blonde in a see-through negligee, bloodied and screaming through the streets with some creepy old dude apparently chasing her. A great start to a movie called Blood Mania! Unfortunately, what follows is a horrible letdown as a) The scene never shows up in the actual movie (although the characters do), and b) What does show up is a badly executed bedroom drama of lust and violence.

It starts out establishing the characters: Cranky old doctor, bitching and moaning in his bed as he suffers from…something. His horny daughter (she's going to take her shirt off…a lot), bitching and moaning about having to take care of him. She's hot for the handsome doctor, former student and current physician of cranky dad, as well as the manager of Dad's clinic. The doctor's hotty girlfriend, who's willing to do way too much to help him. And Dad's dutiful and prim nurse (thankfully, she will not be taking her shirt off or doing much else for that matter).

Apparently, handsome doctor is in trouble with a blackmailer who knows about his work doing illegal abortions early in his career and wants 50,000 dollars. Horny daughter offers to help him out but he refuses. Somehow they still end up in a long pseudo-psychedelic drug-fueled sex scene. Horny daughter decides to kack the old man for his money by forcing him to sniff nitrates (!). After he croaks she admires her boobs in the mirror (?). Meanwhile, handsome doctor's girlfriend tries to get him a markdown by offering to let the blackmailer rape her, which he promptly does, sort of. Whether this helps or not is unclear as the movie instantly forgets that the girlfriend exists and we never see or hear from her again. Back at the house, horny daughter finds out that her heretofore unexplained or introduced sister has inherited Dad's money instead of her. Horny daughter freaks out and attacks her sister before handsome doctor has a chance to sedate her. Horny daughter's sister turns out to be a pretty blonde (the girl from the opening credits) who is escorted by some old lady. The old lady's relationship to the pretty blonde is unclear but she makes it clear to the handsome doctor that the pretty blonde's boobs are off limits. Handsome doctor and pretty blonde get together anyway during a fuzzy (not to mention boring) montage. Boobs ensue. The old lady skedaddles and the horny daughter pops a screw when she finds out that her pretty sister not only got the money, she got the handsome doctor. The pretty blond does the right thing though and promises to split the money with her horny sister. They hug and everything is fine until horny daughter decides to change the part in pretty sister's hair with a candlestick. Handsome doctor shows up and gets suspicious, leading to his finding pretty messed-up blonde in the tub or something. Handsome doctor and horny daughter decide to get rid of the body and cover up the murder. Suddenly, pretty messed-up blonde shows up at the door. She's back from the dead! Hah! That would have been interesting! Instead it's only the blackmailer holding her up at the door. Pretty blonde slumps to the floor and blackmailer strolls into the house with a self-satisfied smirk on his face. Bum…bum…bum! The End! What the…?

Based on the preceding summary you might actually be thinking, "This sounds like it could be fun." You would be wrong. The story is executed to be as boring as humanly possible with nothing but yak, yak, yak in between the boobs. On the plus side, whenever the story starts to become hopelessly incoherent, someone takes their shirt off for a while to distract you from the stupidity. There are also the seventies hairstyles and clothes, but even these are ordinary and bland. Ultimately, there is very little blood or mania. The bulk of the running time is spent waiting for something horrible, or even interesting, to happen. It's a long wait.
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