Review of Wizards

Wizards (1977)
Way too violent and strange but visually fascinating
6 April 2010
In a post-apocalyptic Earth there are two warring wizards--Avatar who is good and Blackwolf who is evil. Over the years Blackwolf amasses a huge army of mutants and ancient war weapons like guns and tanks and attacks Avatar and his peace-loving friends. Avatar seems totally unable to defeat him and Blackwolf may rule the world.

To say this is weird is an understatement. After a needlessly plot heavy prologue it throws us right into a story with bad dialogue, unfunny comedy and unlikable characters. This is also WAY too violent for a PG rated film--the war scenes are incredibly bloody and graphic. And one fairy (Elinore) is way too underdressed for a "family" film. However the visuals are never dull. There's some incredible mixing of live action and animation and there's always something to look at it. Also the animation itself is just great. I can't say this was a good movie (the plot and characters are a little TOO strange) but I was never bored. This is perfect for older teenagers and adults looking for something different. NOT for kids despite the rating.
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