Dinah East (1970)
favorable review and personal memory
14 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
In 1970, when the film was first released, I was a 36/37 year old gay man who had just left a wife of 10 1/2 years and 2 children. I had spent 35 years in a closet pretending to be someone I wasn't. During the first few years after my divorce I was desperately searching for an identity. Dinah East was, to me an amazing experience. Yes, it was 'amateurish'. But, it is now an historic film for many reasons. In one of the preceding reviews the film is treated like trash! How unfortunate the reviewer has no understanding of films attempting to show how gay men and women live. If you want exploitative, try "Advise and Consent", "Tea and Sympathy", The Killing of Sister George", or any of dozens of films where gay men and lesbians are depicted as sick, crazy, killers etc. Edward Everett Horton will always be remembered for his many roles as an obvious flaming queen. Or, re-watch Dynasty. Linda Evens and Joan Collins did their level best to portray flamboyant drag queens. But, Jeremy Stockwell did his best to portray a real woman. No outlandish costumes, no wild movements. Just a subdued portrayal of a woman, despite the fact that she wasn't. The entire film, which I just saw again, (April 2010) is an historical footnote to Hollywoods portrayal of homosexuals. And, for everyones information, there is no, repeat no, steamy sex between two men. A kiss is hardly steamy sex. There is one scene between two lesbians that starts to get graphic when Dinah interrupts them, does that count? Hardly! In any event, I would hope that someone who has the where withall, and the ability, can see to it's restoration. It does have historical significance and shouldn't be overlooked.
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