Sherlock Holmes (2010 Video)
Strange film, not very good but sort of entertaining.
23 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Sherlock Holmes starts in the English Channel as a ship called the Corronett is sunk by what looks like a huge Octopus, the lone survivor is interviewed by Inspector LeStrade (William Huw) & the world's foremost detective Sherlock Holmes (Ben Syder) & his trusty sidekick Doctor Watson (Gareth David-Lloyd). LeStarde & Watson believe the babblings of sea monsters to be nonsense but Holmes is not so sure, then after reading an article in a local paper about a monster attacking a prostitute & her client Holmes starts to wonder. Holmes investigates & uncovers a diabolical plot by a madman to blow up Buckingham Palace & kill the Queen while destroying London using robotic monsters & Dinosaur's, it's up to Holmes & Watson to prevent the total destruction of London & save the lives of those who live there...

Directed by Rachel Goldenberg this was The Asylum's attempt to cash-in on the big budget Hollywood flick Sherlock Holmes (2209) with Robert Downey Jr. as the famous detective created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, as far as Mockbusters go this is quite entertaining in a really daft sort of way but it still has many flaws & ultimately is a bit of a mess. As well as creating the worlds most famous detective Sherlock Holmes author Doyle also wrote The Lost World which featured monsters & Dinosaur's much like this film does & I am wondering if the makers just combined Doyle's two most famous literally works to come up with this & somehow create a world modelled on Doyle's novels, or then again maybe it's to appeal to the Sci-Fi Channel crowd. The script is a bit of a mess really, from monsters to robots to bizarre plans to blow up the Queen & destroy London by an ex-policeman who miraculously turned into a complete genius & created a living robotic suit, a full on perfect android & huge mechanical monsters to a huge robotic Dragon flying around London at the end which is destroyed by a hot air balloon. Sherlock Holmes has a sense of fun adventure running through it but all the plot holes & weak narrative doesn't help you get involved in the story or character's. How did an ordinary policeman become an absolute genius? What was in the syringe that Watson stuck in that robot woman's neck? Why did stop the bomb going off? How could this guy build huge monsters without anyone noticing? Despite being one of the smartest people alive Sherlock Holmes lets his best friend Watson hang over the side of a cliff with nothing more than a rope loosely tied around him & I can't believe no-one (IE the British public & that woman at the start in a prologue set a few years in the future as Watson is an old man) would not notice or remember a huge fire breathing flying Dragon destroying London. It's the sort of thing people would probably remember. The Sherlock character is pretty much wasted here, he doesn't do much detective work & all the answers fall on his lap & the plot twist about halfway through is far too predictable. At a shade under 90 minutes it moves along at a decent pace & is one of the better rip-off's from The Asylum but that's hardly any sort of recommendation, is it? The script retains various points & people from the original novels including Inspector LeStrade, Baker Street & Watson.

This is maybe the best looking film from The Asylum, shot here in the UK in Wales it looks pretty nice actually although the makers obviously know nothing of the geography of Buckingham Palace & it's surroundings. There's a giant Octopus, a T-Rex type Dinosaur & a really rather cool looking chrome metallic fire breathing Dragon in this, the CGI computer effects are much better than usual for The Asylum & some are actually fairly decent, a few of the Dragon shots in particular as it flies around Big Ben setting the surrounding buildings on fire are fairy impressive. I wonder if the giant Octopus at the start is a cheeky little in-house reference to The Asylum's notoriously bad Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus (2009)? Rated PG this is mild stuff, when people are shot there's no blood for instance & the violence is kept to a minimum.

Probably filmed on a low budget by general film standards but fairly high with regard to The Asylum's usual output this doesn't look too bad with decent effects & some nice production design. The acting isn't great, Ben Syder as Holmes is very flat, Watson has more personality as Watson while the main villain really hams it up.

Sherlock Holmes was only made because of the big budget Hollywood flick & as such is a cheap cash-in but it does have a certain unusual charm in it's oddness, part detective story, part fantasy, part action adventure & part drama this strange adaptation of Sherlock Holmes is a likable if not exactly brilliant curiosity.
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