The Greatness the Afflecks have reached.
6 May 2010
I've been thinking a lot about this movie everyday since the day I saw it seven days ago. The fact is this movie really makes you think. Its like, what did I just see? It actually disturbed me a little bit. This is a completely thought provoking film. Its about bad parents, a city's willingness to find the truth, and a missing girl. Secrets are uncovered throughout the film, dark, unthinkable secrets. It completely takes you by surprise. Ben Affleck has suddenly become a powerful filmmaker, showing us our world's dark side in all it's horror and disgrace, and beyond that, our weaknesses. Perhaps more perfectly than any other film I've seen, this film shows us in a completely shocking way, how far some people are willing to go. The tag line to this film sums it up perfectly: Everyone wants to find the truth... Until they find it. The picture starts with Casey Affleck's character talking about the city of Boston as we see different shots of the city, its really beautiful, and right then, I knew this was going to be no ordinary movie. From the beginning, the director makes you feel what the characters are feeling, this dark atmosphere. The ending of the film at first was not what I wanted, but when I think about it, the film would not have been as good without it. If you have yet to see this film, prepare to ponder it for a long while after witnessing. 10 out of 10.
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