Gang Bullets (1938)
Bringing Down Another Rackets Boss
9 May 2010
Forced out of one city by some extralegal methods of one district attorney, gangster Morgan Wallace simply moves to another to set up shop. Wallace is into all kinds of illegal rackets and has the police and DA really stumped. The press is clamoring for DA Charles Trowbridge's scalp, a prospect not pleasing to Trowbridge's daughter Anne Nagel and her fiancé Robert Kent who is also Trowbridge's number one assistant.

Gang Bullets comes from out of Monogram Pictures so you can't expect too much and believe me you won't get it. The film has some interesting ideas that don't seem to follow up. At one point Wallace talks about building his racket by letting a few suckers win some big pots at his gambling establishment and then becoming advertisements. It sounded like an interesting film idea that is never followed up on. There's also an interlude where two of Wallace's henchmen bring a third wounded comrade into some woman's home with her 12 year old boy. It plays like a bit from another film entirely. In fact that whole premise was used later on with much greater effect in The Desperate Hours.

In the end Trowbridge goes to some extraordinary lengths to bring down Wallace. But even the end is rather anti-climatic.

Stuff like Gang Bullets was done so much better over at Warner Brothers.
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