The failure of IMDb Ratings!
11 May 2010
When I saw that this movie had a 7+ rating, I couldn't wait to watch it. It's a 2:20 hour long move. It is the WORST MOVIE IN THE WHOLE WORLD !!! It is set in a village Romania, and for 2 Hours nothing happens! 2 hours of NOTHING!!! After that nothing... comes more nothing. And more nothing and more nothing and even more.

Probably the reason why this movie has a high rating is because those 10 star ratings were given by the Romanian's involved in the production or whatever. I don't know, it may have Romanian artistic values, which begs the question, are all Romanian movies this bad? Or are they worse?

Do not watch this movie, unless you intend to waste 2 hours of your life! Seriously. Anything is better than this!
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