The Backlot Murders (2002 Video)
A bit of fun, nothing serious
18 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Watched this movie last night I have to admit I was and still am a huge Corey Haim fan (RIP). The reason I decided to find this movie was to see some of his work since his untimely death a couple of months ago. I had not read any reviews or spoilers so went into this one pretty unbiased and this is my review. When the DVD arrived, I thought the cover looked good, very foreboding.

As soon as I hit the play movie icon and the credits started to roll my expectations did drop somewhat dramatically as the cheesy title dripping with blood looked very low budget. I realised then that this film is not meant to be taken seriously but is purely a "stab" at very low budget horror/comedy.

May contain spoilers......................

Opening scene and characters had some merits apart from the jackass songwriter who was abruptly fired and "fake beaten". 6 months later and the premise is of the band on the verge of superstardom filming a video at a famous studio, I thought was very good.

It was great to see a couple of famous sets and I was also trying to mentally picture some of the others in movies (sadly I could not work out anymore of these).

The bands manager wants them to be cutting edge and the video to put them "on the map" but sadly the direction isn't quite working out as the band are pretty much run of the mill. The lead singer is dating a record producers daughter purely for notoriety and has no real feeling for her.

I enjoyed the campness and insufferable elements from the cast but the rest of the supporting roles were your typical inane players who are literally forthcoming fodder to the killer. Gradually everyone starts to wander onto the backlot, where lots of riotous nudity and over the top fake stalk and slash takes place. Comical as each contained some silly one liner or rip-off of another slasher type movie.

The killer was very un-original and it was so obvious who was behind the mask. The so-called twist at the end again was very that again was predictable.

If you decide to watch this movie then please don't switch it on with great expectations. It is what is expected a very mundane B movie which does not stand out from the masses. If your looking for 90 minutes of horror or hilarity then you will be disappointed. Worth viewing at least for Corey's small part and for a giggle if your having a night in consuming alcohol with friends.
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