A must see, if only for Dicaprio's powerful, intense and truly haunting performance
4 June 2010
At just 19 years of age Leonardo Dicaprio gives undoubtedly one of the best performances i have ever seen, no matter how the overall film turned out (which was rather good) this film merits a watch just for this incredible piece of acting. "The Basketball Diaries" based on Jim Caroll's autobiographical novel tells the harrowing tale of a young teen Jim (Dicaprio) and his transition from star basketball player to desperate heroin addict. Here is a film so raw and wrenching that it makes for very hard viewing, showing with unflinching realism the effects such a drug will have and indeed the lengths it will push it's users.

How Dicaprio was not awarded an Oscar for his performance here is truly a mystery. Very rarely does an actor so young give such a devastating portrayal. Dicaprio is so believable, his acting so natural it gets to a point where it's hard to believe he was not an actual heroin addict.

In two particularly well acted scenes Dicaprio's desperation becomes almost too hard to bear. The first involves a "withdrawal" sequence in which he pleas for a hit, moaning ("It hurts, I just want a taste!'') over and over as he sobs and screams. Never have i seen an actor radiate so much intense desperation. The second involves another desperate but equally as brilliant acted scene. Here he is forced to beg his own mother for money. Moving from tearful, frantic pleas to fits of rage and finally endless deep sobbing, Dicaprio creates such a sense of agony its impossible not to be shocked at this incredible display of talent.

The others actors do a credible job and help the film flow: the music is fitting, the script is good and at times even profound. My only issue with this film was that it felt a bit too preachy.....to in your face with its anti drug message, however staying that it sure achieves it, i doubt anyone would pick up heroin after watching this.

An unsettling, disturbing "junkie" film with a mind-blowing performance from Dicaprio 8/10
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