Road Trip: Beer Pong (2009 Video)
Typical American Pie rip off
8 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Road Trip: Beer Pong is once again another rip off American Pie.

It is that bad that even after the movie I thought I'd just seen the sequel to Sex Drive and searched for that to write my review.

Now I have no seen the original Road Trip but after watching the sequel I think it would be pretty pointless.

This film is funny in places and did actually make me laugh a couple of times, but a majority of the jokes where regenerated and predictable so in fact most of the film is a giant cliché.

For starters its the type of film that Ashton Kutcher would have done in his youth, and seeing as he is now too old and too expensive the director thought lets go online and find a lookalike, their search obviously came up Michael Trotter, and the director thought 'you know who cares if this guy can't act he looks like someone who can, give him a main part so the idiots who watch out crappy film think its Ash'. So thats what they did, and I was one of the idiots; the first time this guy came on screen I did think for a split second that it was Ashton; and believe it or not I was excited, Kutcher is great actor in my opinion with both Dude Where's My Car and the Butterfly Effect (the first one) being fantastic films. Unfortunately his look alike possesses not talent and killed the film.

A good point about the film is they did attempt to bring some originality for example the whole CIA kidnapping was rather amusing and I like the satirisation of the torture system into listening to 'techno music'. I also enjoyed the beer pong tricks that although I know didn't actually happened but where tricks of the camera where pretty awesome.I also liked the sections withe storyteller chatting up the girl and her mum but the jokes in these sections where not made big enough if you ask me.

So in general if you like your teen search for sex films which are predictable yet funny go and watch American Pie instead of Sex Drive: Beer Pong. Oh crap I got the title wrong again didn't I... I mean Road Trip: Beer Pong.

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