one of the worst
7 June 2010
After viewing the DVD the 50 worst movies of all time i was split on some of the selections and after seeing the clips for hillbilly's in a haunted house i wanted to see for myself,don't get me wrong i love b movies and trashy cinema but this one is really awful.a great cast misused in a horrible movie.lets see John Carridine,Lon Chaney JR,Basil Rathbone,the sexy Joi Lansing,Ferlin Husky,and even Merle Haggard.it looked good from seeing the clips but as a whole its a total bummer.with really awful songs and a well worn plot about 3 country singers on their way to a swinging jamboree in Nashville Tennessee,their car breaks down and have to stay at a seemingly abandoned mansion,that happens to be haunted.well its occupied by Rathbone,Chaney Jr,and Carridine and their boss played by Linda Ho.they are sort of espionage agents trying to steal plans for a top secret weapon.the three country singers(Ferlin Husky,Joi Lansing,and Don Bowman)get caught up in the silliness.remember the aip movie ghost in the invisible bikini?well that movie is gone with the wind compared to this.thats about an hour and a half ill never get back,what could've been a great idea falls apart in the first 3 minutes.but I'm glad i saw it for myself.
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