Wuthering Heights (1998 TV Movie)
Captures intensity and atmosphere of original
11 June 2010
This 1998 version of "Wuthering Heights" here depicts the emotional intensity, violence, and cruelty of the novel. Never a "sweet romance," it depicts the quite understandable actions of two "soulmates" and the destruction they wreak around them--a drama that somehow ends perfectly in another romance that promises to be as rich and soulful, if more temperate.

As Cathy, Orla Brady has the beauty, brashness, and vitality of the original, if not as much of the desire to dominate others. As Heathcliff, Robert Cavanaugh has intensity, intelligence, and physicality, if not the "otherness" of appearance that the book describes. Together, Brady and Cavanaugh show the primal need for each other that is so essential to the book.

Like all other film adaptations, this film suffers from the needs of practical aspects of film-making. The essential parts of the story happen when Cathy and Heathcliff are about ages 8-9, 12-13, and 15-16. As in most films, most of these events are played by actors much older than are credible for the events portrayed. It makes no sense for a mature Heathcliff to stay at Wuthering Heights, but it does for a boy of 12 or 13. Why would Cathy value the attentions of a wealthy neighbor? Because she is only 15 and wants to become part of the elite in a stratified society.

Maybe someday the film industry will find a way to show people growing and evolving--then one can finally have a perfect film version of "Wuthering Heights." But as it stands, the bleak, yet beautiful landscape, the characters' isolation, and the depth and complexity of each main character are admirably presented. If only the film could be longer! Melanie Matson, 6-11-10
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