Nancy Meyers does Nancy Meyers...again
19 June 2010
Nancy Meyers is a writer/director who seems perfectly happy in her niche. It's Complicated is nothing new or special, being a retread of typical Meyers fare. Despite its uninspired story, the casting gods smile upon the film, with Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin, Steve Martin and surprise, John Krasinski collectively keeping the comedic ship afloat.

The story centers on Jane (Streep), owner of a successful bakery in California. Jane has been divorced from her ex-husband Jake (Baldwin), an attorney, for 10 years. Having raised their three children, Jake and Jane have finally achieved a good relationship between each other. While in New York City for her son's graduation, Jane goes to the bar to have a drink. Also at the bar is Jake, who is flying solo since his wife Agness (Lake Bell) has decided to stay home. The two have several drinks together and eventually wind up in Jake's hotel room. The night of debauchery reignites the passion the two once had, and they continue their affair upon their return to California. To make matters worse, Jane has started to become interested in an architect, Adam (Martin) who is working on the addition to her home. The rest of the film follows this love triangle through all of its twists and turns.

The film's biggest problems are in its generalities. At this point, it seems like Meyers is getting lazily and repeating herself. There are many scenes that feel like rip-offs of her earlier films The Parent Trap, The Holiday and quite often, Something's Gotta Give. There is one point in which a moment of foreplay between Jake and Jane results in Jake collapsing due in what looks like a heart attack. If this sounds like something you've seen before, trust me you have. In Something's Gotta Give, a moment of foreplay results in a heart attack for Jack Nicholson's character.

I don't know if Meyers was ever wronged by a man, but her films often feature the infidelity of a male character despite being in a relationship with an uber-successful woman. Even though the man is the reason for the woman's unrest, he finds joy while she continues to suffer. It feels trite. Another theme that is often seen in Meyers's films is the older man's desire to be with younger women. I know that it happens in real life, but it feels tired, especially in the case of Meyers's work. Also, everyone is professionally successful. Jake is an attorney who is now partner at his law firm, Jane runs an upscale bakery and Adam is some prodigy of architecture. Is it necessary for them to be great successes? Probably not, but Meyers takes such care to ensure that the audience is aware of their successes. Professional success is something that Meyers seems to feel obligated to give to her characters and I'm not entirely sure why.

With all its problems, the film still manages to be fairly funny. I attribute the moments of humor to the cast. The dialogue they have to work with is nothing special, but they manage to do as much as they can with the little they are given. I'm not even giving all the credit to the trio of Baldwin, Streep and Martin. My favorite character in the film was Harley (Krasinski), the husband of Jane and Jake's oldest daughter. Krasinski gets the best lines and has the most entertaining story. I knew that if Krasinski was in the scene somehow it was going to be better. Moreover, he is probably the best representation of a good guy in the whole film. Don't get me wrong, Baldwin, Streep and Martin all have their moments but Krasinski steals the show.

It's Complicated is perfectly happy being a middling romantic comedy. The writing is mediocre and the story is predictable, but the acting isn't half-bad. The actors are able to save characters that easily could disappear into nothingness. The premise would make for a good 90-minute film, unfortunately, at 2 hours it is overlong. Occasionally boring, It's Complicated is entertaining and occasionally funny, but overall is nothing special.
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