New answers to "life, the universe and everything" in 96 minutes
23 June 2010
"The Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy" was a quest for THE answer to everything. This intelligent, thought-provoking and witty documentary provides many answers that at first make about as much sense as Douglas Adams' "42" because they come at you so quickly. Almost as quickly though, the viewer realizes that posing big, probing questions is key to moving forward, both in life and on the screen. Filmmaker Nygard's double role as tour guide and tourist is never self-serving. His impish approach to philosophy, science and religion as three sides to the same multi-dimensional coin is essential to the film's success. It's corny to say this, but when the film is over, you want to meet him for a friendly chat over some pancakes (reference explained in the film's opening sequence). An obvious choice for Best Documentary because of its scope and all it gives you to ponder on the way to the exit (figuratively and metaphorically). The film itself is a fast-paced 96 minutes that whets your appetite for a forthcoming, mind-blowing 7 DVD set. A digital equivalent of an encyclopedia to spark the search for knowledge even in a high-school drop-out. Just when it seems that cable TV's Discovery, National Geographic and History Channels are morphing into network "reality shows," this is the right film at the right time.
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