Review of Men in War

Men in War (1957)
Come on out and fight! Come on out and show yourselves!
26 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
(Some Spoilers) It's September 6, 1950 and war is raging all across the Pusan Peninsular in South Korea. In the previous 72 days of bitter fighting the US military has already lost 5,685 men killed and missing as well as 15,000 to 17, 000 wounded. With the US and it's South Korean allies' back to the sea and facing utter destruction from the advancing North Korean infantry and amour divisions a US infantry unit lead by Let. Benson, Robert Ryan, is desperately trying to reach it's main company at hill 465 some six mile away. It's then out of almost nowhere that a US jeep carrying Sgt. Montana, Aldo Ray, and his battalion commander he Colonel, Robert Keith, unexpectedly arrives.

Right away there's friction between Lt. Benson and Sgt. Montanna. Sgt. Montana dislikes taking orders from his superior officer Lt. Benson whom he feels is not up to the job at hand in bringing his unit back across North Korean-enemy-lines. This is complicated by the Colonel who after suffering the shock of getting hit by a North Korean stun grenade has completely lost it and is now just a shell of his former self. Having no choice but to work with each other in order to survive both Lt. Benson and Sgt. Montana make their way back to hill 465 fighting off North Korean snipers and artillery bombardments along the way. That's until they finally get to hill 465 where the North Koreans, who had since captured it from the defending US infantry, have a big surprise waiting for them!

Hard hitting Korean War movie with both Robert Ryan and Aldo Ray at their gritty best as battle weary GI's doing their best to survive the war and at the same time save the men that their in charge of along with them. There's also the touching story of Sgt. Montana and the Colonal who are the only survivors of their battalion that was annihilated, off camera, by the North Koreans. Feeling responsible in getting the colonel, who treated him like a son, to the safety of a US military hospital field unit Sgt. Montana constantly risks his life as well as his fellow GI's in trying to get him there.

***SPOILERS*** Losing more then half his men Lt. Benson finally makes it to hill 465 only to find it crawling with North Korean infantrymen. In the ensuing battle for the hill the Colonel suddenly comes to life and to the shock of Sgt. Montana takes it, with a submachine gun, straight to the enemy! Thus making it possible for Sgt. Montana Lt. Benson and the last surviving member of the unit Sgt. Riordan, Phillip Pine, to dislodge the North Koreans. It also in the end cost the Colonel's life but in this case unlike in the rest of the movie, where he was more dead then alive, he gave a good account of himself!

The film "Men in War" shows the futility of what was the War in Korea for both the US as well as North Korean and later Red Chinese servicemen who fought in it. It also showed at least in the case of Lt. Ryan and his men how they were motivated to both fight and survive that war not for any political or moral reasons but for just their own self preservation and nothing else.
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