Review of 11:14

11:14 (2003)
Twisted fun
5 July 2010
Approach this as an absurdly contrived, violent stretch of black comedy, and you will have a great time. It also matters a lot that Hilary Swank is in it (she also co-produced), because she gives a performance as a high-strung, braces-wearing convenience store clerk that is nothing short of wonderful.

11:14 very much recalls 1999's Go, which also featured teenagers getting into trouble using a fractured narrative. Any one who has seen one of these and enjoyed it, definitely check out the other.

As it opens, a guy is driving into the town of Middleton (the slogan on the sign says, insipidly, "A Happy Place to Live!"). He's drunk, there's a crash and then there's a dead man lying by the road. He panics and tries to get rid of the body. A police car pulls up. And the fun begins.

As events unfold, we see five separate story threads along a fractured timeline. We meet three teenage yahoos driving recklessly in a van, a worried mother and father and their ripe and trashy teenage daughter, and boy and girl (Swank) convenience store clerks named Duffy and Buzzy. These people are out on the night streets of this sleepy burg (all the action in the movie happens within several blocks) and they frequently cross each other's paths on their way to a common destiny that happens at 11:14.

The highlight of the movie is definitely when Buzzy (Swank) comes across Duffy's revolver and begins fooling around with it, jumping around the store in her own little action movie. Then, the scene featuring Duffy, Buzzy and gunfire is hilarious.

Finally, the cemetery hook-up between Cheri and her boyfriend is a big laugh coming down the highway because we've already seen the puzzling outcome, and now we get to see how something so ridiculous could possibly happen.

All good things to Greg Marcks, the young writer-director. Interested to see what he does next.

Oh, and steer clear of Middleton, especially at night. The people there are crazy.
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