Review of [Rec]²

[Rec]² (2009)
Rec'kon I'll stick with #1
10 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
(DISCLAIMER: I do put spoilers in my reviews, I'll admit, but hardly none as revealing than the following. It was simply too hard (or I'm paid far too little) to work around the big "secret" of the virus of the original movie: Rec. It's stated almost immediately after this film, Rec 2, starts and is the central core of the movie. So, you've been advised: this review will contain a major spoiler.) It's getting more than clichéd to state: Be careful for what you wish for…as I got what I wanted in Rec 2: the explanation of the previous films outbreak. And I was NOT pleased.

Oh, is it a spoiler to say what it is since that's 98% of the plot? Fine, be warned, I'll continue. A faux-pas Armageddon of sorts. A demon possesses a girl; the Catholics are frightened and assign a priest to run experiments to get a cure before Satan's minion infects others. When does the phrase "Nothing could possibly go wrong" ever be accurate?

Taking place not seconds, but the moment the first Rec ended, the disease control and military break into the apartment complex of a viral outbreak to gather evidence and contain the situation. Hell (literally, I suppose) is still breaking lose inside as they attempt to stop this from getting out.

What's clever as this part, and the first third or so, is done in the same hand-held shaky camera fashion by the same types of people from the original, but then they mix it up a bit. Now, we get a new POV from more hand-held camera kids/punks who make their stupid/curiosity-killed-the-cat way into the building. In addition, we get the Aliens treatment of picture-in-picture military POVs. I'm guessing they're attempt is to up the ante for style and originality was noted and worked. What failed was The Exorcist decision.

Granted, when you watch this, and I had to rewatch the final moments of the original again to see if I wasn't mistaken, it states this revelation was "clearly" foretold in the original's climax. Perhaps being a foreigner I am (to this movie's origin country, styles/techniques, language and genres) I didn't quite catch it. That, I will take responsibility for. But, in my defense, they didn't give you all that was written on the wall – it's in Spanish and so much is happening and they won't shut up (i.e. hundreds of subtitles) long enough for the average viewer/reader to comprehend anything but "this is a frightening finale; who cares what was revealed."

Finally, I got past what the movie's about: demon possession and not an actual virus, as I can't change its intentions, and did somewhat enjoy the ride. It's longer than the first one and not as good. Is it worth going beyond Rec? No. But, if you truly must see the continuation, see it. But, you were warned.
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