Honeymoon (1947)
Shirley Temple Takes the Plunge
30 July 2010
Pretty teenager Shirley Temple (as Barbara Olmstead) arrives in Mexico City, where she is to marry handsome young Guy Madison (as Phil Vaughn). At the station, Ms. Temple reads a "Mexican Guide" which explains, "In Mexico almost everyone speaks Spanish," and advises her tipping is "not in vogue." After absorbing this helpful information, Temple learns Mr. Madison's flight has been delayed, from suave American consul Franchot Tone (as David Flanner). Madison arrives, and begins looking for Temple.

Meanwhile, Temple has forgotten to eat. She faints from hunger, and is rescued by Mr. Tone. After he feeds her, Temple finds herself oddly attracted to the "old-fashioned" older Tone, calling him the "Walter Pidgeon type." Then, they jitterbug.

The film continues to tease you about a sexual attraction between Temple and Tone. All along, you're fairly certain she will marry Madison. Confusion and misunderstanding between the threesome tries to make you laugh out loud. At best, the film filled theaters with a few tepid chuckles. The plot supposes Temple falls in love by landing on her man in a swimming pool. This is how she relates meeting Madison; the film's climax occurs when Temple, in a very modest two-piece, has a similar encounter with Tone.

*** Honeymoon (5/17/47) William Keighley ~ Shirley Temple, Franchot Tone, Guy Madison, Lina Romay
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