The Extra Man (2010)
Quirky, funny and filled with brilliant performances
11 August 2010
Way too much will be given away if I attempt to describe the storyline. Suffice it to say that even a total lack or overabundance of plot wouldn't detract from its fascination quotient if you enjoy edginess and the unexpected, A side of NYC life never before portrayed on screen. How "real" does it feel? Totally besides the point with direction and acting of the highest caliber. Some of the best tales are stories you don't believe until after you've seen them played out; reality isn't what it's cracked up to be where thoughtful playfulness takes precedence. Despite the tag-line, there is indeed erotica at work on screen, but sexuality is never depicted for its own sake. More emotional than carnal knowledge gets exhibited here. Wonderfully diverse soundtrack ranging from classical/opera to T-Rex and Velvet Underground. Totally haunting film experience that's not a blockbuster but needs to be seen by people who can appreciate "quirk." This film should become a cult classic at the very least and a long-running topic of conversation at cocktail parties. A "sleeper' in the best sense of the term. If you see it and "get it," you will enjoy bonding with others of like minds.
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