Get pummeled with awesomeness
18 August 2010
Edgar Wright is fanboy gold. Shaun of the Dead proved that he was a director to watch and Hot Fuzz showed that he had a bit more up his sleeve. So what happens when Wright branches out to comic fare without the help of his regulars? We get a film that is nonstop entertainment done in a way that only Wright can. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is unique to its very core, the fact that it's also well done and enjoyable is icing on that one-of-a-kind cake.

Scott Pilgrim (Michael Cera) is a 22-year-old Toronto slacker. When he isn't practicing with his band, he is hanging out with his 17-year-old girlfriend Knives Chau (Ellen Wong). Everything is business as usual until Scott sees the literal girl of his dreams, Ramona Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead). Scott quickly discovers that being with Ramona isn't as easy as he thought. While dealing with an unclear relationship with Knives he must face off against Ramona's seven evil exes.

The casting of this film is inspired. For all those that have grown tired of Michael Cera I urge you to go see this film. At the surface Scott Pilgrim is yet another awkward young man that you've seen Cera do before, but he finds a way to dig deeper into the character. Scott is a flawed individual and Cera is able to communicate these flaws without negating the charm that is at the character's core. It is a tough performance to describe, since it is simultaneously similar to his prior roles while also being quite a bit more complex. Technically Michael Cera is the lead, however very few scenes are all his own. Nearly every supporting actor is able to steal at least one scene. From Kieran Culkin as Wallace to Johnny Simmons as Young Neil, there was not one actor that I tired of. I found myself wishing the film could be longer simply so I could have more time to get to know all of the other characters. Anna Kendrick is sweet and smarmy as Scott's little sister, Aubrey Plaza is endearing as the overworked and unappreciated Julie Powers and Ellen Wong manages to sidestep the chasm of annoyance as Knives Chau. Then there are the seven evil exes who you should hate but just can't. In short, if the saying "you're only as strong as your weakest link" is true, then this cast is a diamond chain.

The story is fantastic, if a bit simplistic. Bryan Lee O'Malley has created a world that is both ridiculous and relatable. The film is as much a character piece as it is an action film. The writing is able to examine the complications that come with relationships at a young age. Scott is a selfish individual that pays little notice to the effect his decisions have on those around him. Ramona has led a life of regret and is constantly running from a past that will not let her escape. The characters and story are complex enough that you will be surprise to see them following you out of the theater.

The reason the film is able to work is Edgar Wright. I cannot imagine this film in any other director's hands. Some have described Wright's style as customized for the "ADD generation" but I believe this is borderline insulting. While he does utilize several fast cuts and the film has very few moments that do not cruise by, I believe this is necessary. A comic book does not contain several solemn moments of reflection and as such, a film based on a comic book should not either. I was shocked to realize that the film is close to two hours long since it seemed to clip by at such a fast pace. I may be a bit bias since this film seems to be customized to me. I grew up with my Sega Genesis at my side and a television nearby. Due to this, I found all of the video game and television inflections to be a delight. These references are in no way a distraction, simply a fantastic supplement. If the sound of the Sonic the Hedgehog theme brings a big smile to your face, then this film is just for you.

Comic book films have become pretty commonplace. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World may not be a Marvel or DC film, but it manages to feel much more like a comic book than any film since Sin City. Wright shoots for the moon when it comes to staying true to his source and I am glad he did. The screen oozes comic charm and this allows for the intense fights and stylized musical numbers to feel completely authentic. I believe that a comic should only be transitioned to the screen if something more can be added to the experience in the process. I have only read portions of the Scott Pilgrim comic, but when it comes to the film, I would be elated to sit down and experience it all over again.

With this film, Edgar Wright completes a hat trick of memorable fare. Bryan Lee O'Malley has created a story that we've seen before in a way that is completely unique. Wright is able to take O'Malley's fantastic story and transition it beautifully to the screen. Every member of the cast is fantastic; I only wish that each actor had more time on screen. With so many comic book films feeling obligated to be rooted less in the fantastic and more in the real, it is nice to a see a comic book film that embraces its roots. The strong comic book style, coupled with video game accents, results in a film that is never boring. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World will make you laugh and yearn for young love, all while pummeling you with its awesomeness.
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