Sloppy, dumb and dull--it's the trifecta of bad Italian westerns!!
23 August 2010
Hmmm...a spaghetti western that comes on DVD without English dubbing and only captions! Now that's something you just don't see every day! And, after seeing many dubbed films (some of which were terribly done), it was nice to see this captioned film. Could the reason this one not be dubbed be because it wasn't shown in the States or was perhaps seen as not worthy of dubbing? Who knows.

Unfortunately, my excitement at seeing a dubbed film was short-lived. At the four minute mark, there was a shootout that was, I suppose, done for laughs. But, since it was really, really stupid, it didn't make me laugh...just groan in disbelief. I think the Banana Splits or Paul Rubens would have done this scene more subtly! In the next scene, two bounty hunters are killed by our anti-hero, Winchester, and he releases their prisoner--an Indian woman. Sadly, she really doesn't look like an American-Indian--more like some Italian lady with light brown-green eyes--and they didn't do much to pull off this character other give her buckskins to wear! In that case, I'm going wrap myself up in aluminum foil tomorrow in the hopes I get to play an alien in an Italian sci-fi epic!

Soon after this, Winchester meets up with Roy and the fun begins. Well, okay, the fun NEVER begins...but at least the story starts to move...a bit. Aside from some very sloppy slapstick, the film is about Roy and Winchester both looking for treasure--only one of them has apparently gone straight in the meantime. But frankly, considering how bad the film is and how disappointed I was that the famous Mario Bava could make such a rotten film, I totally lost interest. And, unless you have suffered a serious brain trauma, you, too, will find little to entertain you in this film that looks as if no one cared in the least if it resembled the old west in any way at all!

By the way, if you care, the money that the American-Indian prostitute is paid is very clearly the type made from 1928 until very recently--not even close to the sort of money they actually used in the old west. Also, the 'American-Indian' lady clearly is wearing modern band-aids on her nipples--a common practice when the film will NOT show explicit nudity (allowing a tiny measure of modesty for the actress). Apparently, someone forgot to tell the cameraman, as it appears in the film and makes the viewer think "...huh?!?!".
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