Vampires Suck (2010)
Worse Than Twilight
25 August 2010
Could there be anything worse than Twilight? Yes! It's called Vampires Suck. At least with Twilight, pre-teen girls and some feminine boys can enjoy the cheap thrills and adolescent romance of Bella and Edward, but what makes Vampires Suck horrible is that they didn't even do a good job of making fun of Twilight. When you fail to make fun of the movie you're parodying, you really fail as a filmmaker.

I couldn't stand any part of this film. Jason and Aaron didn't go the usual route and use the same joke for the entire movie, but they did use the same plot and mix in pop culture references to Lindsay Lohan, Taylor Swift, and a few more. They insulted (not making fun, purely insulted) Canadians a couple times, and really only made fun of Twilight. Which begs the question, "why not call it Twilight Sucks?" In that sense, it would be more of a correct title, because Vampire movies are awesome. Blade, Interview with the Vampire, Bram Stoker's Dracula and more are just some awesome Vampire movies. I realize the title is a word play and a pun that Vampires suck blood, but it's more accurate to say Twilight Sucks because only Twilight is made fun of really.

Even with all the stupid jokes, it never gave me a genuine funny moment. I only laughed because the rest of the audience was laughing and it was contagious. Clearly, Jason and Aaron need to stop making movies because everything after Scary Movie has been atrocious when they work on the project as a team solely.

I would advise you to not even go see this but, haters of Twilight, lovers of Twilight, the lovers of these "parody" movies are still going to see it (since last night's showing was completely sold out) so nothing is going to stop these movies from being made. I can say proudly that I didn't pay to see this film, thank God. I would have wanted a refund for the brain cells I've seem to have lost by sitting through it.
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