Review of DarkWolf

DarkWolf (2003 Video)
Half Man. Half Beast. Mostly Crap.
8 September 2010
Just a few seconds into werewolf flick Dark Wolf, and viewers are treated to the first of many scenes of gratuitous female nudity: a hot stripper jiggles her magnificent cans in the face of a lucky punter (he's chosen wisely—the other guys in the club aren't getting quite such good value for money).

Packing Dark Wolf with wall-to-wall naked women proves to be a shrewd move by director Richard Friedman, for without the continuous show of flesh from a bevy of very sexy babes, this film would be impossible to endure to the end.

To suit the purposes of his plot, screenwriter Geoffrey Alan Holliday unwisely concocts his own convoluted version of the werewolf mythos— one that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever: according to Holliday, the future of the werewolf race relies on the successful union between a hybrid werewolf (the 'Dark Wolf' of the title) and a pure blood werewolf woman. That woman happens to be cute waitress Josie (Samaire Armstrong), who is as yet unaware of her destiny, and who has so far been protected from her fate by the best groomed homeless woman in America (played by Tippi Hedren, who must have owed someone a favour to be appearing in this dreck). Homeless Hedren cannot prevent the 'Dark Wolf' (Kane Hodder) from finding his mate forever though, because he has the supernatural power to locate, and then kill, anyone that she has touched.

As well as the film's nonsensical take on lycanthropy and the resulting incomprehensible storyline, Dark Wolf also suffers from abysmal acting and some of the lousiest werewolf effects I've seen in years: not only are viewers treated to a thoroughly unconvincing wolf puppet (thankfully mostly glimpsed in brief extreme close-ups), but we also get several embarrassing transformations achieved via CGI, so bad they'll have you choking in disbelief.

Thank heavens, then, for the three 'B's—the boobies, butts and bush that just about make this mess bearable. Virtually all of the babes involved do the decent thing and strip off for the camera and a pair of sexy photographer's models (played by Andrea Bogart and Sasha Craig) even indulge in a prolonged bout of racy rooftop lesbianism during a naked photoshoot. Even this scorching scene, however, doesn't prevent me from giving this awful film a well-deserved, low, low rating of 2/10.
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