Review of The Final

The Final (I) (2010)
attempt to ride on gross-out horror gravy train sorriest seen so far
14 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I'll give two stars because I loved watching this movie the way I love watching a train wreck.

The "popular high school girls" are mid twenties at best and dressed and styled like porn stars, boob jobs intact. They refer to themselves as "hot chicks" and when one is depressed before the party is told to cheer up by "thinking of all the drinking and hot sex". Parodific.

The "bullies" are two Russians who take out their closet homosexual tendencies on the Indian kid and the main character (the one guy from degrassi! biggest star in the movie) by slapping them upside the head (they're too dumb to sit in front of someone else s it doesn't happen) and breaking their "expensive" $200 video camera. Oh yea, and they throw their milk on someone. Torturing and killing them is definitely just revenge, right? The "victims" are one chunky Nazi (A monocled Nazi. We're supposed to be on their side?) that you never actually see bullied, a tall lanky kid who plays a banjo, presumably because guitar is too difficult, an emo goth girl ("I think you guys would really like me if you just gave me a chance" to the popular girls, yet we see her acupuncture a guy to death and are still supposed to sympathize?) a skinny Indian kid who gets bullied the most (AND YET EVENTUALLY GETS KILLED BY THE MAIN VICTIM DANE WHO WE ARE STILL SUPPOSED TO BE ROOTING FOR EVEN THOUGH HE BECOMES THE ULTIMATE BULLY)and Dane. You get one scene each to learn about the character's family life. Goth girl's parents ignore her, so do Indian kid's and lanky kids (his goodbye speech to his father is laughably bad). The mastermind Dane's parents just fight so much it makes him want to kill himself I guess but he decides to take it out on everyone else.

They plan a Halloween party and it's pretty bitchin'. I bet if they would have taken credit for the party they would have become popular. But instead they poison the drinks and between everyone fainting and waking up at the same time they chain them up. Not just the bullies, but everyone who was friends with the bullies, including some peace-loving hippies and a blonde girl who disappears near the end of the film. Though the now-victims have a good amount of chain length to stand up in, instead they sit on the ground and wait for their end (as people are maimed within arm's reach) so lethargically that it is impossible to care.

The first torture: Dane, who is not only a gun enthusiast with his unexplainable collection of assault rifles, is also a master chemist who created a special acid that eats away at the flesh of your face after three minutes. They apply it to the face of the alpha popular girl, and the tension builds as you wait for her flesh to get boiled away. And wait. Aaaand the next time you see her is at the end of the movie in a room with all the other passed out victims. She was just inexplicably dumped there I guess. Talk about anticlimactic.

The second torture: Beta bully and Beta popular girl have to cut off each other's fingers. Gruesome! Lots of blood, right? Except as the little rubber finger chunks get snipped to the ground way too fluidly, the wounds instantly cauterize. Apparently there was no room in the budget for blood after buying the main character's two different costume changes.

Third torture: Dane is not only a chemist/arms lord, but also a neurosurgeon! He "paralyzes" the main bully with a knife to the spine. Laughable.

There's a completely inane subplot in which they set free the only popular kid who was "nice" to them ("nice" meaning he self-promoted to them and asked if they would film him for free because he is trying to be a music star) , but I won't even go into it. Some old guy gets spiked in the balls but only wounded on the thighs. Sadface I wanted to see some ball damage.

Moral of the story? It's better to kill yourself than to live ugly. Watch the movie to the end and find out how its message is one of the most shallow things I've seen and undermines everything it seems to be against.

This movie has some of the most lazy direction I have ever seen. Every other shot is a slow zoom shot (how dynamic) and every single scene is shot from one direction with one camera. I have no idea why people are complimenting the direction and camera crew. They even use soft beauty lighting. Every single actor is afraid to break any bounds. Those who obviously have a little experience are playing against wooden dolls. The only passable scene is the one where the goth girl is talking the beta male into toruturing the girl. The director should have known that if a horror film is not believable it's laughable, and should have pushed these actors into feeling SOMETHING. It was like watching Hollywood rejects get their "big movie break" most of the time.

Oh, and guys, if you don't have time to explain your subplot about how the support characters look EXACTLY like the main characters because you were too cheap to get different costumes, maybe you should think about cutting out the entire lame subplot next time. Direction, casting, acting, script: when no elements work, it adds up to one of the most godawful movies I've ever been told was good. This one never should have left the film school classroom. Watch it to see how a gross-out horror film, or any horror film, SHOULDN'T be done.
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