A 'waste'of time.
16 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Wasting Away starts as several barrels of of a green chemical developed by the US Military to create a 'Supersoldier' during a failed experiment are transported through Los Angeles on the back of a truck headed for disposal, however the truck is attacked & one barrel falls out of the back & rolls down a hill & stops outside a bowling alley & starts to leak. Four teenage friends, Mike (Matthew Davis), Vanessa (Julianna Robinson), Tim (Michael Grant Terry) & Cindy (Betsy Beutler) take in the nights delivery of Ice Cream which has been infected with the serum. They decide to eat some of the infected Ice Cream & are all turned into mindless zombies, however they don't realise that they are zombies & think everyone else is crazy as they run away & attack them. Slowly the friends realise that they are in fact zombies & that regular people don't like them, but zombies have feelings too & they try to escape the city to somewhere they can live in peace...

Co-written & directed by Matthew Kohnen this apparently originally had the title Aaah! Zombies!! & is a horror comedy with the film unfolding through the perspective of the zombies, while it has a couple of cute moments & the idea is alright (but not as original as many would have you believe) Wasting Away just isn't funny or gory or particularly fun to watch. The gags & jokes are abysmal, from a bowling bag with eye holes cut out for a severed head to see to zombies acting like retards to heads used a bowling balls to a blow up sex doll to some really lame one-liners the humour in Wasting Away misses the mark by the proverbial mile, maybe the makers were trying too hard but I didn't laugh once or even smile for that matter. I think a dark horror comedy like The Return of the Living Dead (1985) works so much better as it delivers both good solid black humour which fits the gruesome horror aspect so much better rather than this silly slapstick nonsense that totally eclipses any horror aspect although Wasting Away is also severely lacking in that regard as well. So basically we have yet another horror comedy that isn't funny in the slightest & doesn't have any horror in it either, who is Wasting Away meant to appeal too anyway? The character's are OK & maybe even slightly better than I expected, it moves along at a decent pace & the idea of a film from the zombies perspectives as they feel discriminated against & just want to be themselves & live in peace has potential but I just thought too many aspects of Wasting Away were just plain poor or awful.

To differentiate between the zombie & human perspective the makers decided to film the humanity side of things in black and white while whenever we are seeing things from the zombies point of view it's colour. There's not much gore here, there's a severed hand & head, an exploding Cat, a bit of blood splatter & someone's scalp falls off a few times in another not funny recurring gag. Reasonably well made Wasting Away looks alright I suppose but I can hardly remember anything about it & I only saw it a few hours ago.

With a supposed budget of about $1,000,000 this was filmed in California with decent enough production values. The acting is alright, the main cast do OK & a special mention to Julianna Robinson who is hot in this (who, according to her IMDb Biography page can list all 50 US states alphabetically in less than 30 seconds, a hot girl with talent eh? I like it).

Wasting Away is a horror comedy that tries to be clever & funny but is neither, the lack of any credible or effective horror aspects ultimately prove terminal in terms of entertainment value & fun. I didn't like it, I didn't think it was funny or clever & couldn't recommend it.
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