Special Forces (2003 Video)
Another winner from Isaac Florentine and Nu Image
22 September 2010
(Preface: Don't confuse this "Special Forces" movie with the Daniel Bernhardt "Special Forces" movie!)

I like movies from the Nu Image filmstudio, and I also like movies directed by action king Isaac Florentine, so I knew I had to watch this. I was not disappointed. I will freely admit that this movie is not perfect. The CGI effects are obvious and clunky. There is little written to differentiate the protagonists from each other, and the bad guys are stock characters. The dialogue is often very familiar. And a large part of the first half of the movie is really slow and drawn out.

But there are more positive things about "Special Forces" than negative. It is slickly shot, with clear photography and good lighting. The Lithuania locations are well chosen, and dressed with enough props and extras to look realistic. But the best thing about the movie are the action sequences. A lot of money was obviously spent on ammo and explosive devices, and the various shootouts are really exciting. Even better are the martial art sequences - these sequences can stand proudly beside martial art sequences from Hong Kong films. And the last forty or so minutes of the movie are non-stop action - you'll be barely given time to breathe! Just be a little patient during the first half of the movie, and you'll be rewarded with enough mayhem to really pump your blood.
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