MUTILATED.....the script, that is.
26 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I would've liked to give this a genuine thumbs-up, but the writers took way too many liberties with the script that go against the accepted facts of the event.


Some of the glaring issues are:

  • There were TWO Indian guides in the real story - They make Foster out to be some cannibalistic maniac who can't wait to kill his next victim. - They drew sticks to see who would be a sacrifice, but according to the evidence, the party was unable to go through with killing the person. - Graves (the father) did not kill himself. - And the worst inaccuracy is that they had Foster killed by Fosdick's wife, when Foster was one of the few men who SURVIVED.

What a joke! I can understand some differences when you're trying to compress a story into 90 minutes and trying to make it all flow smoothly, but this was really botched.

The equivalent would be like making a movie about the Twin Towers and having only one of them collapse.
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