Review of The Town

The Town (2010)
Best heist film since Heat
27 September 2010
There seems to be two camps when it comes to Ben Affleck, those that adore him and those that abhor him. No matter which camp you belong to it is hard to deny that his directorial debut Gone Baby Gone was anything less than terrific. So now comes the moment of truth, is he going to succumb to the sophomore slump or will he cement his status as a talented director? With The Town, Affleck takes on triple duty, as writer, director and lead actor and manages to deliver on every front.

Within the blue-collar town of Charlestown, Massachusetts lays a legend of bank robbery. Doug MacRay (Ben Affleck) leads a team of friends and professional bank robbers. During the robbery of a Cambridge bank, the team takes bank manager Claire Keesey (Rebecca Hall) hostage. Following the release of Claire the team discovers that she lives nearby. Hothead Jem Coughlin (Jeremy Renner) offers to confront Claire in order to figure out what she knows. Fearing Jem's penchant for trouble, Doug insists that he approach Claire. After revealing her hostage experience to Doug, the two develop an intimate relationship. Having tired of his life of crime, Doug decides that he wants a change. Unfortunately, getting out won't be easy, he must first face the investigations of FBI agent Adam Frawley (Jon Hamm) and the demands of boss Fergie Colm (Peter Postlethwaite).

There wasn't a bit about this film that I didn't like. The cast is magnificent. With any film set in the Boston area you run the risk of the actor resting too hard on what he thinks is a Boston accent rather than an accurate one. Having been a Boston resident for five years, I believe that I can spot this difference. I can say with all honesty and without reservations that this film nails that accent. Even Blake Lively, easily the weakest link, seems genuine. Obviously, the performance of the actors isn't entirely based on the Boston accent, but I would be remiss if I didn't comment on it.

As for the actual acting, it is damn good. This may be Affleck's most complex and best performance of his career. He is controlled and precise in his actions. In every way, Affleck completely becomes MacRay, and that is saying something. I think it speaks to the quality of the actors when you root for a criminal and against an FBI agent. I have seen some reviewers bashing Blake Lively's performance but I'm going to cry foul. She is easily the weakest actor of the big names involved, but let's look at who she's swimming with, Rebecca Hall, Affleck, Jon Hamm and Jeremy Renner, all working at the top of their game. Lively is completely convincing, in fact I know that I've seen girls just like her character in the sketchier areas of Boston, with the obvious addendum that they aren't nearly as attractive. This film could have easily remained a simple heist film, but the actors involved elevate it to something darker and with many more layers.

The action is fantastic. Every heist is orchestrated beautifully. The audience is brought to the edge of its seat and it is often difficult to figure out just who you are rooting for. Some recent action films, especially following The Bourne Supremacy, have relied on the use of "shaky" hand-held cameras that when used inappropriately make the action difficult to follow. Affleck not only puts away the shaky camera but also shows that a nice steady shot can work even better. The action is always coherent and riveting. It was also nice to see a Boston film that was most definitely shot in Boston. A robbery that takes place in the North End, an area littered with narrow streets, benefits from this attention to detail and loyalty to the area. Affleck doesn't seem content in allowing his film to fade away in the pantheon of heist films; rather he crafts a film that will be remembered as one of the best.

Ben Affleck is one talented guy. Proving that Gone Baby Gone wasn't just a fluke, he returns to the director's chair to produce a film that is one of the year's best. Every part of the film is fantastic. Every member of the cast, yes even Blake Lively, gives everything they have giving performances that are genuine and not bogged down by inauthentic Boston accents. The action is nearly musical in its execution. Each action set piece is gripping and does not let down your expectations. The Town is a well-crafted and complex character study that also happens to be the best heist film since Heat.

Grade: A
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