Review of (2010)
Something rare and wonderful
1 October 2010 is one of the best movie of it's genres. Far superior the likes of

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and other such movies.

It's action is concentrated on 4 girl. They are as different as day and night both as personalities and as lives however they truly good friends. The movie is separated in 4 segments. Each dealing with the life and struggle on a of a different girl as well the diamond heist that they all completely unwittingly and unknowingly got themselves involved into.

And here comes the magic of the movie. There is less then half an hour dedicated to each girl and yet there is a perfect character development and your really grow to love each of these girl in this tiny amount of time. Each story is as different as the girls themselves. Some are heartbreaking and truly touching, others are quite fun but all truly enjoyable.

Another great thing was the great but small roles of Kevin Smith and Mandy Patinkin(Rube from Dead Like Me) who were awesome

Overall I highly recommend this movie to everybody :)
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