Review of Monsters

Monsters (2010)
Well made but boring
1 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
After discovering a galaxy with possible life, NASA sends a probe to investigate, only to have it break up over Mexico on its return. Six years later and half of Mexico is now an infected zone, with huge squid like Aliens roaming the land. America's border is enforced by gigantic walls and the USAF combined with the Mexican military conduct regular bombing raids, and search and destroy missions. In this arena, is Andrew Kaulder (Scoot McNairy), a rather world weary and cynical photographer, there to hopefully get some pics.

However, his Boss's (as in the company's owner) daughter Samantha Wynden (Whitney Able) is stuck in Mexico, and Daddy Warbucks entrusts Andrew to bring his Daughter back safe and sound. But, things go from bad to worse for our duo, as first the train can't go further due to the tracks being destroyed. And the ferry to the US costs $5000. After paying this exorbitant fee, Andrew unwisely decides to go on a tequila binge, hook up with some cheap floozy, and promptly gets robbed of his and Samantha's passports, and can't get the ferry. Now the only way to get to the US border is to be escorted (this time for $10,000) via armed guard through the alien infested Infected Zone...

Let's face it, this premise sounds freakin' awesome, doesn't it? So, what went wrong here?

Well, the pacing, for a start. Basically, nothing much happens in this film. It's well made, nicely shot and has a surprisingly haunting atmosphere, and credit where it's due to director Gareth Edwards for achieving such a look and tone on a shoestring budget of $15,000, but is overall pretty uneventful and kinda dull. My biggest gripe with this film is that it's misleading.

For a film called "Monsters" there's precious little in the way of monsters in it, or suspense, or scares. When they do appear, they're never fully visible, or else the lighting is far too dark, to see what's happening properly, or else is all shaky cam. I'm aware of the budget, and realize the reasons, but it kills suspense.

It has a great opening scene, shot in night vision, fly on the wall style, of a group of soldiers jawing while on patrol, immediately drawing comparisons with Iraq and putting an urgent contemporary feel on things, as if it was happening, right now.

But then things just go downhill, from there, with shots of the desert, mainly used as padding and nothing else really happening.

Anyone looking for a fast paced action style film, or a film that actually has many monsters in it, along with suspense and thrills, should seriously avoid this, and I really cannot emphasize this enough.

Fans of offbeat horror might like it, but I personally found it ambitious, well made, but ultimately dull and boring, which for a film with such a title and premise, is disappointing, to say the very least.

A generous 5/10, for being well made technically, especially considering its budget, but ultimately a very disappointing and tedious bore, and a film which leaves one feeling distinctly short changed.
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