Lost City Raiders (2008 TV Movie)
worst movie so far for me...
1 October 2010
Will keep that review brief as watching that movie was already a much to big waste of time.


-acting: well maybe that was really "mission impossible", the dialogs and script being what they are. But I must say, I felt the all movie long that what the actors do here is a kind of professional suicide.

-CGI: just not even decent, I could do better given some hours to learn to use the appropriate programs.

-Scenario: well well well, do not use your brain cells on this one, it just doesn't make ANY sense. Nothing is surprising, ever, character motivations are just plain ridiculous,"science" is the worst pseudo science gibberish I have ever heard in my all life! If only it would be to be taken as a parody, but ...no...they are kind of serious about this mess! (Do not even start me on the diving sequences, already the first minutes are a total unrealistic, idiotic, nonsense that even a 5y old would find suspiciously ridiculous)

-I could go on, but it just isn't worth it. (special mention to the settings, some are worst I have ever seen)


-You can skip this movie and, see, your life just got practically 90min longer....


-Only watch this movie if you want to redefine your representation of what "pathetic" means. (for some reason that adjective just kept coming to my mind every second watching this "movie") Otherwise, believe me, no pleasure, no thrills, nothing, not even 2d degree fun is to be expected...

PS: this movie didn't get a 1 for the sole reason that it isn't shot with the family's camcorder, so IQ is indeed technically decent as long as no CGI is involved. Aaah, and there are few moments where boobs are the eye catcher, so that brings us to a generous 2. (special warning for "most" guys, hey I like boobs too, but believe me, no way that these few moments are worth watching the rest of this, just believe me on that one...)
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