Cassidy Is A Lot More Palatable And Less Icky Than The Jonas Bros
27 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
for anyone who can't last five minutes with the Jonas bros without hurling, it comes as a revelation to find Shaun Cassidy to not be such a bad memory in comparison.

when i was a little kid i would hang out in the school library at recess time because i was shy and would avoid the other kids. i remember reading the Hardy boys books and really liking them. they were great escape from the trivial, hum drum, activities the other kids were in to. i also remember watching the 'Partridge Family'(hey!i was only like 10 yrs old)and buying a David Cassidy/Partridge record. i also remember being a teen ager and watching this TV show on ABC.

i watched it again last night just out of nostalgic interest and expected to think it was terrible, but was surprised to find it wasn't all that bad.

sure it was cheesy. but the episode i watched featured Paul Williams singing his hit from 'Phantom of the Paradise' and i frickin love the heck out of Paul Williams so i was in to it.

and Shaun Cassidy wasn't sickening or anything. definitely a lot less anal repulsive than the Jonas babies. i've actually sat thru the Jonas 'LA' show. a infantile 'Entourage' rip off without the sex or drugs or swearing. BORING!!! i know it's Disney, but why try to be 'Entourage' in the first place. the comparisons are embarrassing.

at least the 'Hardy Boys' did'nt try to be something it wasn't. it just tried to base itself on innocent children's books.the Jonas Bros. and Miley Cyrus are indicative of why this generation can be kind of slimes. they rail too hard against innocence.
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