Is Beauty A Crime?
1 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
That anyone could categorize this film as a "...somewhat mediocre and meandering melodramatic film by Zurlini" is sad.

I suppose, one must be sympathetic a bit to Italian culture at the time of the film to understand the simple truths of a beautiful woman who is unable due to circumstance, lack of education, and her own character, to hold onto the very few and dubious chances life presents to improve her situation.

With only her beauty as both spoiler and advantage a beautiful but simple woman is on the tide of personal ruin in every choice she makes. We hope and are torn for her as we watch each scene knowing the razors edge she is living on while those around her continue to misunderstand and take advantage of her plight.

This is a fantastic film (albeit 'little') that it's Nomination for the 1961 Cannes Golden Palm proves.

If you can find it in Italian with sub-titles listen carefully to the actors even if you don't understand Italian. The simplicity of their performances is decades before it's time. For me it remains an unforgettable masterpiece.

note: I would have rated it a "10" but some of the 'jump cuts' in the were one too many for my now '21-century' tastes.
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