House M.D.: A Pox on Our House (2010)
Season 7, Episode 7
Mixed feelings about this episode
16 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This is my very first review, so let's try not to spoil anything too big.

The series begins on a Dutch slave ship in very, very bad weather. The first thing that I notice, I'm Dutch, is that the Captain and doctor don't speak Dutch, but Belgic! I hate that kind of mistakes, because it shows the casters (or whoever decided to hire them) didn't think further then "hey, on paper the words are the same". Their accent is very different from Dutch and as I was expecting Dutch, I didn't understand in first place what they were saying (thanks for the subs though!)

I love this series and have been watching it from episode one, so I know how many of the episodes are full of action packed scenes (as far as action packed goes in a hospital). This one though, was too overdone. I can't really put my finger on it, but it just doesn't feel right.

Also, that they found out what happened on the ship by a Dutch "web cam hooker" is quite insulting to me. I know outsiders think that The Netherlands is whores, weed and wooden shoes, but come on, a web cam girl to get it translated?

A long story short: This episode leaves me with mixed feelings. On one side I like the idea of a girl finding a bottle with some ancient old decease, on the other, it's very unlikely that a jar that breaks that easily will stay down there for 200 years without breaking. And how come they didn't think of those other pox before? Isn't that something you test?

Let's hope next week's episode is worth and 8 or higher again!
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