Head of the Class (1986–1991)
depressing with no value
20 November 2010
Hesseman usually landed good roles, but he landed in a misfire here.

This is probably the only TV series as poor as "Welcome Back Kotter". Both are really the same show. It tries to make the dorks of the world feel good because they aren't nerds.

Like "Kotter" it's based on dehumanizing weak little kids. Nazi Germany would've loved to have this in their arsenal.

The show is supposed to be a comedy, but honestly there just isn't anything funny here. It fails miserably.

There isn't a single saving grace to this pathetic pile of trash. If the actors are good, who cares? It's so horribly written that we don't care. It falls into the "mindless boggle" group of TV series, like the one with the four girls at a boarding school, that makes you wonder why anyone would even bother putting this together.
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