The Hasselhoffs (2010– )
Turn "Hoff" Your TV!
6 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Last night I was flipping through the channels when I had the misfortune of stumbling upon "The Hasselhoffs," A&E's newest reality TV show.

First off, let me just state for the record that I hate reality television, as should anyone who is in the entertainment business, particularly actors. Maybe political opinions have no place in a review of this sort, but I really think David Hasselhoff should have had his Screen Actors' Guild membership revoked for participating in this. What we need now is more scripted programming not more so-called "reality" television shows. Right now he's part of the problem not the solution.

Now I don't know his family personally, so I can't say they haven't had their share of life's ups and downs, but for his daughter Hailey to act like she's making it on her own in show biz is just a joke. You don't think having a famous father doesn't give you a helping hand? Well, I'm going to spoil the suspense for you…it does.

Though it's not said for certain how the tape was "leaked," it is known that Hasselhoff's other daughter Taylor-Ann was responsible for filming her father's drunken cheeseburger-eating fiasco. This will probably be her crowning achievement in life, making her father look like an even bigger ass than he already is. That's a tough job, too, mind you! "The Hoff," as he refers to himself every two seconds is so conceited it's not to be believed! He actually referred to himself as the "German Elvis." Now, maybe he is popular in Germany, but for him to compare himself to Elvis, a true talent, is just ridiculous. He's so out-of-touch with reality, he needs an intervention or to talk with Dr. Drew or something.

Anyway, I'm done wasting my time writing about a show I'll never watch again and people who are so annoying it's amazing anybody would want to watch them. Take my advice, don't watch this piece of crap!
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