Star Trek: The Gamesters of Triskelion (1968)
Season 2, Episode 16
"You're out of your Vulcan mind, Spock"!
8 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
What a great title - 'The Gamesters of Triskelion' - I just love the way that rolls off the tongue. As we've seen in episodes past, (The Squire of Gothos, Who Mourns for Adonais?), members of the Enterprise crew are hijacked in order to provide amusement for their captors, this time as gladiators a few galaxies removed from their original orbit. It always amazes me how the show manages to push the envelope on the old needle in a haystack routine. This time Spock has to figure out that Kirk, Uhura and Chekov have been transported some number of light years away, and wouldn't you know it, he guesses right. Fascinating.

And speaking of Spock, his association with humans has begun to show some contamination in this story - he expresses hope that the Captain and crew can be found. Not the sort of characteristic I would expect from a Vulcan conditioned to pure logic. Though he did acquit himself well against the ramblings of Scotty and McCoy.

This just might be the episode that cinched Captain Kirk's reputation as the Romeo of outer space, as he actually put the move on the Thrall Shahna (Angelique Pettyjohn), she with the green pouffe hair. It was hard to decide whether she was good looking or not, but the Captain didn't seem to mind. Too bad she didn't crack a smile every now and then, it might have made a difference.

I guess it was only a matter of time before one of the characters got to utter the line in my summary above. The prize goes to McCoy, who offers just the right nuance; I wonder if there's an outtakes reel that shows the set up for that one. I'd give a good couple of quatloos to see that.
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