A Decent Film
1 February 2011
The story in Alpha and Omega was rather traditional but it still retained enough originality to be entertaining. Most of the originality comes into play with the script which I found had plenty of laughs for both children and adults. The subtle and frequent sexual innuendos caught me by surprise and made me laughing out loud several times throughout the film. It appears as if, judging by other reviews om IMDb, most people overlooked this humor. Even the jokes aimed at children were fairly tolerable most of the time. I actually enjoyed the voice acting and dialog in Alpha and Omega more than Toy Story 3.

The Achilles heel of Alpha and Omega comes into play with the animation which would be better suited for a slap stick weekly Nickelodeon cartoon show. This, combined with the questionable art direction of the wolves overly human stature, added a very child-like feel that distracted me from the well written dialog. The poor animation quality is particularly evident in the "howling" scene which left a lot more to be desired design wise.

I enjoyed the film enough to watch "The Making of" featurette which indirectly explained why the animation was so horrible... it turns out that all of the animation was outsourced to India. I was extremely disappointed when I found out. Art is the last thing that needs to be outsourced when there are so many ready and willing production facilities in America to take the business. American companies outsource far too many products already, lets not let them outsource our films.

All-in-all I liked the movie but the fact that the creators completely ignored the quality of the CG is unforgivable. I'm being a little optimistic with my rating of a 7, it was that distracting.
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