Another morally ambiguous crime-drama from Claude Chabrol
3 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Les Noces Rouges is about two married people who are having an affair behind their partner's backs. In both cases they are in sexless marriages. The man's wife is suffering from mental illness and is close to catatonic, while the woman's husband is impotent and never there. This leads them to the idea of murder…

Like a few other Claude Chabrol films, this one is about murder without actually ever really being a thriller. It's the psychological consequences of killing and complex male/female relationships that are the focus. Once again, the highlight of the film is the performance of Stephane Audran. This incredibly sensual French actress is something of a revelation in my book. Both an outstanding beauty and a highly accomplished actress, Audran has a real screen presence and charisma in everything I have seen her in. In this one she is ably complemented too by Michel Piccoli in the role of her partner in crime. While Chabrol himself keeps the film looking nice with his usual pastel colour scheme very much in evidence.

Another feature of Chabrol's work that this one displays is a tendency for its characters to easily forgive and forget the sexual-betrayal of their partners. The reasons may differ depending on the film but it is an unusual regular feature of his work. It's never exactly believable and does give his films a sense of detachment, which is very much in keeping with how he portrays all of his characters; they are always at arms length and are never the warmest people. In Les Noces Rouges this does lead to a problem of sorts, as it's quite hard knowing who to sympathize with. I guess we are supposed to empathize with the central couple but considering they murder their respective partners for essentially selfish reasons, they're not the easiest people to get on-side with. But ultimately, these types of moral ambiguities and complications are one of the things what make Chabrol's films interesting and unpredictable.
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