Slapstick charm - Cheap western restrictions
8 February 2011
Hell Fire Austin can be considered a slapstick comedy as much as a western. The appeal of titular character and his streetwise Brooklyn friend is very much based on the Laurel and Hardy model, with the two guys not particularly enjoying each other's company though it has become essential, because it's better than being alone.

It's a curious little film. I have seen way too many cheap free domain westerns not to consider this different. From the very start you know this will at least be entertaining, and a times even look like a early spoof of the genre. Its start is actually a little surreal. A bunch of discharged soldiers, looking bored, almost look right at the camera and seem to be going 'now what do I do?'. And all of a sudden, Hell Fire Austin without warning comes into the scene, riding his horse with the film sped up, and well the film begins.

The plot is very simple - too simple. The two help a poor lady from having her horse stolen, and Hell Fire Austin wins a horserace with it. It moves slow and towards the end it's almost frustrating. But it's better than a lot of films like it, and has an original kind of charm.
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