Tales of the Gold Monkey (1982–1983)
Jack the Dog
18 February 2011
I watched this show way back when it came out but only saw about a half a dozen episodes. Some of these also appeared as reruns a while later, but never the entire series. So I was delighted when the DVD box was announced at last and even paid the folks at Amazon in advance of its release. Now, don't get me wrong kids: this is a TV series by the guys who did Magnum p.i. and Quantum Leap (and J.A.G and N.C.I.S) and it is really a TV series from that Magnum period all the way. Studio sets, stock shots, very familiar character actors and that horny, brassy Mike Post music (again, like Magnum) screaming inappropriately everywhere. But this series is a gas, man! It's fun! It's silly! It's TV! AND it has Jack - undoubtedly the smartest dog in TV history! And Jack talks! Well, sort of. One bark for "no" and two barks for "yes" and he cracks me up in every episode. Rent it, buy it, I don't care. You'll thank me later. (Arf, arf!)
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