Let's Pollute (2009)
Clever and funny....and VERY preachy.
19 February 2011
This cartoon short purports to be a public service video extolling the virtues of polluting and wasting resources. It claims to be encouraging the audience to destroy the planet because 'it's cool' and makes its point in a strange way.

I must tell you up front that I disagree with the central message of this film. Through clever parody, it contends that machines and industrialization are 100% evil--an incredible oversimplification to say the least! Now I must say, they make their message in a very funny way but its lack of balance distressed me a bit (I got the impression that living like the Flintstones was their goal and modern life is bad....huh?!).

So despite its black & white view of industrialization is it good? Well, I liked the style and the very simple animation style, though not nearly as nice looking as the other Oscar nominees for 2011, was effective.

Perhaps, and I think this will ruffle a few feathers, this was nominated less for its quality and more for its trendy message. I really did NOT dislike the movie, but it was definitely the least of the nominees in so many ways.

UPDATE: I was surprised, but just moments ago I saw that "The Lost Thing" won the Oscar for Best Animated Short. To me, this was a surprise!
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