Visually decent but disappointing effort
23 February 2011
I love animation, always have, always will, but I was really disappointed with Alpha and Omega. It isn't without its redeeming qualities. The colours and sceneries are really beautiful to look at, and the voice acting on the whole is good. Justin Long was rather bland, but Hayden Penettiere was quite likable and Dennis Hopper impresses in his last film though as a film overall it is not something I don't think people will remember him by.

Chris Bacon's music is occasionally nice, but most of the time it doesn't fit completely with the scene it accompanies, in some of the action scenes especially it comes across as a little obtrusive. Also some the worst animation is in the musical sequences, and the dance scenes feel really out of place.

While I loved the colours and the sceneries, the character designs didn't impress me at all. In fact, I found them rather forced, especially with the goose. The 3D was okay, I have definitely seen worse where it not only distracts but isn't good in the first place. Alpha and Omega's 3D had its moments, but sometimes it wasn't sharp enough and it jarred with the much clearer backgrounds.

Besides, I haven't yet come to the worst assets of Alpha and Omega. The story is unbelievable mostly, I liked the concept and it started off great, but once the clichéd love story idea got introduced the film went downhill fast. Also there are several parts that struck me as odd and unbelievable, particularly with the wolf howl idea and the one with the war between the two wolf clans is half-baked.

The film is also devoid of a sympathetic and likable character, except for Kate, who is quite cute. They do some actions that make you go "what?" at the screen, and also there are more clichés than you can count in the characters alone. Being clichéd can work, but only if it's well-observed, depicted or written, not the case here. The pace is uneven, dragging in the middle, and while I have nothing against "happy" endings I found the ending here underwhelming.

The worst part is the writing. The script is mostly awful, with half-baked ideas and any parts that strive to be funny or poignant instead come across as eye-rollingly cheesy or cloying. The sex jokes also get too much, and feel really out of place, while the rest of the jokes are predictable and incredibly lame.

So all in all, not the worst film of 2010 or the worst animated film ever, but the most disappointing animated film I have seen in a while. 2/10 Bethany Cox
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